Loose 10 Pounds Per Month By “Eating” More

Submitted by: Shakti Holistic

A Green smoothie is a magical drink. After adding (I repeat, adding!!!) to my diet one quart of green smoothie every day, I am happy to report that my top 10 findings about this incredible drink are:

1. I lost 10 pounds without changing anything else to my lifestyle (nor in purpose, anyway…)

2. Changes in my diet just… happened (due diminished appetite and increased satiety feeling)

3. My acne is gone!

3. I need less sleep (approximately 6 hours) for feeling refreshed and energetic

4. I am not craving sweets anymore


5. The smoothie is the most rapid, delicious meal I have ever prepared for myself

6. I am more energetic at the gym

7. My hair got stronge

8. I don’t ever throw away salad anymore

9. My son loves it

10. I like my green mustache. And his!

A Green smoothie is a magical drink which has many more benefits than you think . You should start to green your life up with a little smoothie. These green smoothies will help prevent diseases such as cancer or stomach viruses, boost your immunity levels, help detox your system and the best part about it is that you will lose more weight than if you were sticking to some standard lose weight fast diet.

So, what are green smoothies?

Quite simply it s where greens are blended with a fruit soothie. Blended greens have their structure ripped apart and are effectively pre-digested. Adding fruits makes them taste great and it s also a clever way of getting alot of fruit into your diet, which most people don’t have enough of in addition to enough greens. Now let me explain to you how our body works. Our bodies require a certain amount of nutrients to thrive. Drinking or eating something that is packed with nutrients will help to satisfy your cravings throughout your day. Thats why you will improve your digestive system and you will cleanse your stomach. Your way of living will be better and you will start to feel much better day by day just because you drink that magical potion . Let s think for a moment at the famous cartoon character Popeye the Sailor Man who was always eating spinach when he felt weak, you too can power up with the help of greens and fruits! A green smoothie a day will produce visibile results for you and your way of life.

How can you prepare a green smoothie? You just need to find the perfect greens and for that you need to go to your local supermarket, however I would recommend you go to your local farmers market or at least somewhere that can guarantee you fresh veg. After that you need to make your smoothies tasty and for that a substantial powered blender will help you to handle breaking the greens down and blending the frozen fruit.

Victoria Boutenko the writer of Green for life is the inventor of the green smoothie and according to her, greens are the main meals group that match human nutritional wants most completely. Greens are loaded with amino acids which are the building blocks of protein, minerals, fiber and chlorophyll. She recommends that we drink a quart (32 ounces) a working day of green smoothies.

Blended food is the answer. Consider not cooking your food in the oven or on the stove, and just process your food in the blender. You will cook wit out warmth.

Fruit and veggies smoothies are commonly healthier than what a great deal of folks eat these days. An essential smoothie with fruits or veggies in it, already has lots of vital vitamins and minerals.

Andreea Lazarescu is a certified Raw Food Diet specialist and passionate. Two years ago she had turned her life completely from a 100% junk food diet to a 100% raw food diet. She is saying that you can drink the smoothie before and after 30 minutes of eating and also is saying that the nectar juice is raw and was thinking that if the God s themselves in the Legend of the Olympia were feasting with grapes and pomegranate instead of pork meat they knew what they were doing. Also she is saying that the leaves of the plants are 100% better than the roots. So start to build your own raw environment!

Mru Patel, an entrepreneur in Business and Health & Wellness, after reading about the benefits of raw food he started to apply what he learnt and also started to make his own research in this field.He was saying Only a few hundred years ago we started to process food, so we should try and avoid processed foods and include more raw foods in our diets to get maximum nutrients into our system or else its eating for the sake of volume and taste in the stomach as cooking to high temperatures destroys most nutrients! A simple fact we all chose to overlook largely due to our luxury lifestyles .

About the Author: I want you to look in the mirror and see the person you always knew you could be reflected back. To see that person, to FEEL like that person you need to carve out your own personal eating style based on Raw Foods Diets.




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