Vervain Is A Well Rounded Herb To Help Promote Better Health

By Darrell Miller

Vervain, a common plant that can be found growing throughout the world, has a long history of use. The ancient Romans used the herb medicinally. They also used it to purify their temples and homes. Vervain is spoken of by Egyptians and mythology. The Greeks used the herb for both fevers and the plague. The use of vervain quickly spread throughout Europe. Like many other herbs, the colonists brought vervain to the New World. The American vervain was used by Native Americans to treat fevers and stomach complaints.

The common vervain is found growing in England by roadsides and in sunny pastures. The plant is a perennial, bearing many small, pale-lilac flowers. The plant does not have a scent, but its taste is slightly bitter and astringent. The name vervain comes from the Celtic word ferfaen, with fer meaning to drive away and faen meaning a stone. This name comes from its common use in bladder affections. Another derivation of the name comes from Herba veneris, due to its aphrodisiac qualities that were noted by the Ancients. Priests often used this herb for sacrifices, which is where it got one of its names Herba Sacra. The druids included the herb in their lustral water, while magicians and sorcerers used the herb often.


Traditionally, the herb has been used to treat any conditions. Among these conditions are colds, fevers, intestinal worms, menstrual irregularities, acute diseases, gout, and skin disorders. The herb is recommended as a nervous system strengthener. It is also used for nervous disorders and for menstrual stress. Also, it is used for liver conditions and congestion. Vervain is used modernly for fever, depression, gum disease, headache, menstruation problems, and as a relaxant.

The herb has been found to work on mild pain and inflammation. When taken in small doses, the glycoside verbenin that is found in vervain is responsible for stimulating the flow of milk. Vervain is worn around the neck when bruised as a charm against headaches and snake and other venomous bites. The herb is also used for general good luck. Vervain was also believed to be good for sight. It is important that the plant be picked before flowering and dried promptly in order to provide the best benefits.

In short, the tops of the vervain plant are used to provide alterative, antispasmodic, astringent, cholagogue, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, galatagogue, nervine, parasiticide, sedative, and stimulant properties. Primarily, vervain is extremely beneficial in treating colds, congestion, convulsions, coughs, fevers, gum disorders, and liver congestion. Additionally, this herb is very helpful in dealing with ague, asthma, bladder, bowels, catarrh, circulation, digestion, eczema, flu, gallstones, headache, hemorrhage, hepatitis, insect bites, insomnia, jaundice, absent lactation, menstruation, mental stress, nervousness, skin problems, stomach disorders, throat ailments, tuberculosis, uterine problems, and worms.

In order to obtain the best results when supplementing with this, or any herb, it is important to consult your health care provider before beginning any regimen. For more information on the many beneficial effects provided by vervain, please feel free to consult a representative from your local health food store with questions.

About the Author: Get vervain at your discount

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