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Submitted by: Michael Pavlos
The first thing a person notice s when they first meet are the eyes. If you have saggy eyelids, sagging skin, or wrinkles they can make you look as if you are overtired, aged, and even stressed out. By tightening the wrinkles and removing the unwanted fat on your eyelids you can easily look years younger again.
Blepharoplasty also known as an eye lift or eyelid surgery, is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries. It can be done on the upper, lower, or both eyelids to give the patient a rested, more alert appearance to the eyes. But before you go under the knife, do understand the 5 important facts about such cosmetic surgeries.
1. What are the types of blehpharoplasty?
There are a few variations that one can choose from when getting an eyelid surgery. You can it done on the upper, lower, or both eyelids. Options can include:
Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty which is done on the inside of the lower lid. Incisions may also be made from the inside of the lower eyelid which allows the removal of lower eyelid fat causing bags under the eyes without leaving a visible scar. Once the incision is made, a suture will hold the inner eyelid tissue over the eye. Fat is then held with forceps and clamped with a hemostat while a small retractor keeps away any extra tissue. The fat is then cut away using surgical scissors.
Upper eyelid surgery. The procedure is most commonly done by creating an external along the natural lines of the eyelid, such as the upper creases or around the eyelashes. The surgeon will first mark the creases of the eyelids and lines. This is done to keep the scarring to a minimum. The surgeon then makes the incision and removes all of the excess fat, muscle and loose skin. The surgeon will then place fine sutures to close the incision site, and this will lessen the scars because they are in the natural folds of the eyelid.
Asian Eyelid Surgery which is also known as Double Eyelid Surgery. You can learn more about this procedure at this link.
2. What are the benefits?
Almost all the people who undergone an eyelid surgery feel that they look more refreshed as well as improvement in the symmetrical look of on their face. This surgery, in some cases, can improve the patient s vision if the sagging skin is hampering their vision.
If you are thinking about this type of surgery, there are many things that must be taken into consideration. Get a quote of various cosmetic surgeons regarding the price of the surgery. A breakdown of all the unit costs (lab, medication, surgical, and anesthesia) will give you a better understanding of where the money goes. Also, because this is considered a cosmetic surgery, insurance usually does not cover any of it.
3. How does it take for one to recover?
The recovery process can take up to a few weeks. Patients will need to use a special ointment the first couple of days after the surgery to keep the incisions lubricated. Doctors also recommend using ice packs or iced eye pads to ease the likelihood of swelling and bruising.
Eye drops may also be prescribed to aid in pain management and avoid infections. The third day after surgery, patients may be advised to use lukewarm eye pads for comfort and wearing dark glasses for at least a week.
Stitches are usually removed a couple days after the surgery. You will also experience discoloration and swelling of the eyes for a week or more. Once the stitches are removed, you may feel a tightness or feel dry-eyed . This can be alleviated by closing their eyes or looking at the ceiling.
As part of the recovery period, patients are told not to bend at the waist or do any activities that will raise the blood pressure such as lifting or strenuous sports. And people who wear contact lenses are asked not to wear them until the stitches are completely healed.
4. So are you a Good Candidate?
As with most surgeries, the best candidates are those who are in good health and have realistic expectations. Most patients like to have this surgery to remove the bagginess under their eyes, as well as removal of wrinkles and lines. Patients also request this surgery to fix hooded eyelids.
The eyelids are very thin and have elasticity to them. They are the first part of the body that will show signs of aging rather early. Getting eyelid surgery all depends on the patient and what their desire is. If you are in overall good health and are ready for this surgery, you are indeed a good candidate and it can be done at an early age if preferred. There are many reasons that a person wishes to have this surgery done and the most common reasons include:
Bulging fat
Loose skin
bigger % brighter looking eyes (double eyelid)
Eyelid wrinkles and lines
Dark circles and shadow
The cost of this type of surgery can run from $2700 to $7500, depending on your location, surgical fees, anesthesia, facility fees, medications, and lab fees. The average amount, however, is $5000 if both eyes are done at the same time and financing can usually be arranged.
Final Words
As with all surgical procedures, there are risks. The risks of having an eyelid surgery could be abnormal scarring, excessive bleeding, tissue death, persistent edema, among others.
There are a lot of reasons why someone would opt for eyelid surgery. Before opting for this or any other type of cosmetic surgery, do thorough research on the procedure as well as the surgeon. Each surgeon needs to have a certain amount of credential and educational background in order to perform this type of surgery.
About the Author: Michael Pavlos is the Patient Adviser to Dr Andrew Kim of Advance Beauty Cosmetic Surgery Clinic based in Sydney, Australia. Call 02 9280 3632 for a free consultation on Double Eyelid Surgery,
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